Sunday, October 2, 2011

Womens Soccer

Over the past few years I have been hearing from soccer spectators, that women's soccer is not as good as men's soccer. I ask these people what is so bad about watching women's soccer. I have been told so many things from it being slow paced, not as aggressive, horrible skills, and bad decisions. Yes we aren't as fast or strong as boys but we still have skill. None of these things make sense to me because while I am playing the game it seems pretty face paced and aggressive. I try changing people's minds on watching women's soccer because everyone has this set opinion that every women's soccer team is the same, when they aren't! My team is very aggressive, exciting, and fast paced. When I try to convince people they don't believe me. Fortunately we have convinced our friends to come and support us and to their amazement they saw that we were correct. Then it is a chain reaction, our friends tell their friends and eventually more people come to watch us. We still don't get as much support as the boys but we are going to get there someday.

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