Friday, October 28, 2011

"Sorry Ladies"

Those are the two words throughout my soccer career I was told not to say. You should never say sorry for other people's mistakes or mistakes of your own. You need to realize you did something wrong then correct it and improve. You could have been the nicest person in the world but if my coach heard you say sorry, he would stop the game and put you on the spot. He would ask what are you sorry for. She made the mistake not you! You rarely hear us say sorry now-a-days. Even at games, if we hurt someone on the other team we just turn around and walk away. We don't apologize because we haven't said sorry for so long that it just doesn't come to mind anymore. If someone on the other team hurts us, they say sorry but we just look up and give them the "death glare", get up, shake it off, and keep playing. When our team would motivate each other some would say "Let's go ladies!" Our coach was furious that we used the word "ladies". You could not call any of your teammates ladies, girls, or women. We had to say "Let's go team!" or "Let's go guys!" So pretty much we referred to our girl teammates as men. We have gotten used to saying these new motivational sayings, other teams still use the words ladies and girls. I think that not saying those words makes you look more intimidating. Saying girls and ladies is very girly and weak and no one will take you seriously. Every team changes so then their coach will respect them more, that's what my team did.

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