Sunday, October 16, 2011

Male vs. Female Coach

Males tend to be more demanding and yelling. They think that everyone should strive to be perfect with everything in soccer. They don't let you mess around which is a good thing since it keeps you in line and paying attention. Male coaches in my opinion are better they make you a better player by always having that pressure on you. I guess I am biased but I also haven't had the pleasure of having a female coach so I only see one side of the coaching experience. Male coaches want you to be in perfect shape, you do a lot of conditioning and muscle toning. They want you to be the best and to compete with the best, no clowns will survive on the team of a male coach.
Female coaches, from what I observe, they are not as mean and put less pressure on the players. They tend to get off topic a lot when they should be focusing on practice or the game. Female coaches tend to only coach girls teams while male coaches tend to coach both boys and girls. The reason is that teams of boys will not listen or take professionally since men think women are not as good as them. Again i have not had the privilege to be coached by a woman, so my idea of them being coaches most likely is not the same for all women. There could be those hard headed, mean, striving for success women coaches but I have not met them yet. I am excited to meet one sometime soon.

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