Friday, October 14, 2011

Ball Hogs

No one likes the player who never passes the ball and if they ever do pass it, it is passed only to their best friend every time. The player who tries to dribble every player on the field, who might be successful one out of every ten tries. It is so frustrating to play with those types of players, if you think you're the best then go be on a team by yourself. Everyone is working their hardest to get open for you and make runs that might potentially be the pass that takes the person to the goal to shoot and maybe score. If they keep making their runs and you keep hogging the ball then that person who is busting their butt off will stop helping you. Let's say they finally pass the ball but you didn't make the run, that person then comes up to you and yells at you for not making the run. What I would say to them is "well maybe if you passed the ball every time maybe I would make the stupid run!" Bottom line is that no one, no one likes someone who doesn't pass the ball. It will make your teammates not feel like wasting their time opening up when they know that you will just hold on to the ball every time.

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