Friday, October 28, 2011


Soccer isn't just about knowing how to dribble, pull moves, and shoot. You have to be in shape, being able to run for 90 minutes straight. Yes, there is some resting time when you don't have the ball or it is not one your side of the field, but what is it is by you the whole game. You have to be able to not run out of breath or be tired. Physical fitness is very important in soccer, if you have a coach that finds this important, don't be surprised to run for a segment of your practice each time. If your team is really out of shape don't be surprised to run  the whole practice for a couple practices in a row. Every coach wants their players to be able to stand 90 minutes of running even if they don't play that long or at all in games. If something were to happen to one of the players and you are put in as their sub you have to complete their role for them and be able to complete it well. My coach makes us run to get our heart rates up before games but at practices we spend 30 to 40 minutes running with poles and cones. We do sharp turning runs and any situation that can occur in a game. Long sprints, short sprints, we do it all and it is worth it in the end because we are very fit and able to play the whole game if we have to. Conditioning can also help you from getting injured, the coaches teach you proper techniques so then we can have a less chance of tearing an ACL or MCL. Fewer injuries are always a good thing, who knew running was something that benefits you in the long run.

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