Friday, October 21, 2011

Pointless Tournaments and Games

There are different levels of soccer, there is a higher more competitive level and a lower less skills, not as competitive. My team played in the higher level a couple years ago, it was called MRL. That was where the best teams went to get better competition and to improve on their playing. The lower level is called IPSL, my team and I have been playing in that forever. We are the best team in Iowa and we are playing in the lower level soccer. When we played in MRL we got second place out of our "bracket". We have no idea why we are playing in the worst level when we did so well in the higher level of soccer. Every game we have played in IPSL my team has been winning every time with scores of 6-0, 7-0, 5-0 and so on. We shut out the game and don't get scored on at all.
When it comes to tournaments, we beat the competition there too. First of all we are not going to college showcase tournaments like we should be because, all the great teams from around the nation go there to play. At these other tournaments we are beating the teams not as badly as we beat the IPSL teams but we still win. It is ridiculous, we should be getting some better competition if we want to play at the fast paced, aggressive level in college!

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