Sunday, October 2, 2011

Getting Tougher

Girls the only way you are going to get tougher and stronger is if you have the guts to practice and play small sided games with boys, they are faster, stronger, and very skilled. They can get you used to having pressure on you constantly and having to think faster about where you are going to play the ball. Along with playing with the boys you should probably lift weights to gain muscle in your legs, abs, and arms. If you work on getting stronger then the boys will have a tougher time pushing you down. The one thing that sucks about practicing with boys is they think they have to go easy on you because you are a girl. One way to get their mind-set to change is to become a dirty player with them, then they feel like they can't look bad in front of their other friends so they go harder and in the long run this can be better for you if you want to be a better soccer player. Get a schedule to organize the days you lift weights and the days you play with the boys, you should probably go at least two times a week for both. On the other days relax and stay healthy and maybe get together with some of your girl friends to pass the ball around and work on some of the technical sides of soccer. That being passing, shooting, moves, corner kicks, and so on.

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