Sunday, October 2, 2011

College Coaches

During your high school years you are supposed to contact coaches to come and watch you play and hopefully ask you to play for their school. The day comes and they are going to watch you play you are either one of these three types of people. You are either very nervous and are going to play worse then you usually do because you feel under pressure by having to look good. Another type is very excited and plays even better because this is your time to show off. Lastly, you can be that person who turns into a very aggressive and dirty player because you have the mind-set that you have to be tough to make it in the college level. Personally I am the person who gets very nervous and plays worse then I usually do. I prefer not to know when a coach is going to come and watch me, "out of sight out of mind" is what I go by. Eventually you will hear from the college about your playing, if they are interested in you they will contact you if they don't contact you that means that they don't think you are the type of player they are looking for.

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