Friday, October 7, 2011

Mean and dirty players

There are those players who are all muscle and no skill so they think the only way they can play is if they tackle you every time you get the ball. They are just aggressive to the point where they should get thrown out of the game. Then you have those players who swear and say mean things to you because they want to break you down. They say unnecesary comments that they think will make you mad and try to do something back to them whether that is a physical or verbal response. Lastly, you have those players that grab and pull your jersey or pinch your arm when the ref isn't looking. No one likes to play against these players, I know I don't. They take the fun out of the game, they actually make me prefer to be on the bench. They can seriously injure you and put you out of the rest of the season and no one wants to be injured.
There are some refs that will let the aggressiveness slide and that gives everyone else the freedom to get dirty. Then there are those refs that will call even the little things and then you feel like you can't even put your finger on the player because you think the ref will call that as a foul. You have to study all the players and all the refs that are involved in your game. You will be a better player if you know what is allowed and what isn't.

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