Sunday, October 16, 2011

Annoying Parents

No one forgets the teams with the annoying, rude, and mean parents who yell the whole game about the stupidest things. These parents yell at the opposing team's players, they yell at the opposing team's parents, and of course they yell at the referees. They spend most of their time yelling at the referees, but what is nice that only the refs have the honor of doing is throwing those specific parents out of the game and having them leave the game to where they cannot come back. These horrible parents will swear at everyone and will yell assuming that the players, coaches, and referees do not know what they are doing or anything about soccer. Honestly, if we did not know what we were doing then why are we playing? I would like to see those parents play against us and see how good they would do since they "know" everything about soccer. If they actually played and saw that they are the ones that do not know anything they would shut up forever. I am so glad that my team's parents are quiet because I would be crushed if our team was known only because of our parents being obnoxious and not because of our talent and skill in the game of soccer.

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