Sunday, October 16, 2011


Those players who are the leaders in the world want to be honored with the title "captain". They want to be the person that everyone listens to and respects. I honestly want to be a captain on my team someday, my opportunity has not come yet but I hope it does sometime soon. There are those captains that the team hates and there are those who the whole team likes. The ones that people hate are just cocky and think that they can act like the coach when they should not. We have a coach, we will listen to them and not the captain all the time. The captains are not necessarily the best on the team, they could be a person that sits on the bench all the time. The captain is a person who takes responsibility and shows leadership on and off the field.
The nice captains are the ones who usually get walked on, they do whatever everyone else tells them to do. These people should be captain because they are not mean or cocky, but you have to be to some extent that you are not a doormat to all the players on the team or the coach. I will be that captain that is in between, I will be nice but at the same time the job will be done to the best of its ability. Captains are a huge role to the team and you need to have the best person for the job.

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