Friday, October 28, 2011

Team Meetings

Team meetings can be good or bad, it depends on the situation and what will be discussed at this meeting. Coaches will have team meetings with the parents of the players to talk about the season, the players, and anything concerning their role as a coach. Coaches will have team meetings with the players to talk about upcoming tournaments, the players, the atmosphere of the team, and anything that is getting in the way of the team being successful. Players will have team meetings with each other in order to talk about their passion (if there is passion with that player for the sport), things they need to work on off the field and on the field, coaches, parents, and anything that is being dramatic with certain players. The good meetings are the ones that are about how the team is doing and congratulating and recognizing certain players for their accomplishments. The bad meetings are the ones that end up in yelling, people being mad at each other for what one said, and talking about the drama that is hurting the team and keeping them from succeeding or improving. Also there are those meetings that you have between parents and players discussing playing time, other players, the coach, and games or tournaments coming up in the season. There are also those meetings that are supposed to happen but they never do because some people are scared about what will be said and how people will take it. My team was supposed to have a team meeting to discuss where some player stand on the commitment to the team and their attitudes towards games and tournaments we go to. As you can see, we never had it and no one will ever think about bringing it up so it is forgotten and not seen to come back into the minds of the team. Such a shame that it didn't happen, because it needed to. It is all on you whether you take a meeting in a positive way or a negative way.

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