Friday, October 21, 2011

Grass vs. Turf

Everyone has their own preference of what surface they like to play soccer on the most. You have grass and you have turf. I honestly like both, it depends on the game and what pace it is going at.
Long grass can be a pain to play on, it slows the ball down and it slow down your running. If you are on a breakaway to the goal you don't want to be slow because of the grass length, you want to be fast so you can fake out the goalie and score. When the grass is wet, it adds pace to the ball but it doesn't rain everyday where I live, so long grass isn't my preference.
Soft, short turf is the best turf to play on. It makes the ball move really fast, so fast that sometimes you can't catch up to the ball! Besides that, it doesn't cut your leg when you slide or fall. The only bad thing about this kind of turf is that it has little centimeter balls of tar everywhere. When you do fall you get tar in your shorts and in your sliders. This can be uncomfortable but it is better than getting cut up.
Hard, scratchy turf is the worst ground you could ever play on. Just like soft turf the ball moves fast, this can be nice when you're on a brakeaway to the goal but if you need to save the ball from going out of bounds you aren't fast enough to stop it. When you slide or fall on this type of ground your legs and arms get all scratched up and will produce scabs. Along with that you also get the stinging and pain from the scraping of skin and scratchy needle-like grass.
Short grass is my preference, it makes the ball move fast but not as fast as turf. This is nice because you can keep up with the ball and it doesn't slow you down. Sliding on this grass is comfy, it doesn't hurt you and sometimes you slide further then you wanted too and it makes it fun!
No matter where you play, you prefer one ground over another. You always chose the place where you look the best playing at.

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