Friday, October 7, 2011

Thinking about quitting

My mom always told me when I felt like quitting to give it three more practices, if I felt the same after that then I could quit. Every time I gave myself the three day rule I didn't feel like quitting anymore. I know in my heart if I wouldn't have listened to my mom I would have regretted it so much. There are always going to be those coaches, or players, or games that make you feel bad about yourself and want to quit. If it is really bothering you try bringing it up in a nice way to that person and let them know that what they are doing is making you feel horrible. They can listen or they can be jerks about it, if they are a jerk then just shake it off. That person obviously isn't worth you quitting what you love so just get used to how that person is. I play with girls that I don't always agree with but they are like sisters to me because I have been playing with them for so long. Even the girls who don't give you the time of day they eventually will get used to having you around and you will make friendships with them. Just wait your time will come. I guess my only advice is to stick with it and wait for a better day. Nothing is always perfect so don't expect it to be, just look on the bright side there is one there.

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