Friday, October 7, 2011

Playing in the rain

I love playing soccer games in the rain. To me it is like one of those scenes in a movie, where the rain is pouring down really hard and all you see is the player, everything else is blurry. You see the intensity in their eyes and the love in their heart for the game. The scene is in slow motion and it adds more effect until you see that slide tackle and everything gets faster and more intense. That is how I feel when I play in the rain. Slide tackling is more fun in the rain, reason one is because you get really muddy afterwards and those girly-girls stay away from you, and reason two is because you slide faster and further. In my soccer games I seem to be the first person who slides first and the muddiest after the game. I guess I just take advantage of the weather I like to play in since it doesn't come every day. For me playing in the rain makes me feel invincible, almost like nothing can stop me. It gives me confidence and makes me play better. Everyone has those certain situations or environments in games that they prefer playing in. Mine just seems to be rain and mud.

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