Friday, October 7, 2011

Time Consuming

Club soccer can be very time consuming, you have to travel out of state every weekend for three to four months. Practices take up your nights and are during high school sport activities that you want to watch with your friends during the week. It is a big commitment that is why you have to be 100% in it. It is hard missing time hanging with your friends and trying to make new ones because you are gone all the time. It really affects the friendships you have with those people because they get used to not having you around so they stop inviting you to things. I have had some teammates quit recently due to not having enough time to spend with friends. I would rather have the player quit then to not have them there to play and not give it their full effort to win the games that mean a lot to us since most of us will be playing at the college level. Soccer has to be your main priority if you are going to be gone all the time playing.
High school soccer is less time consuming then club soccer but it still takes up your time after school to about 5:00 p.m. This cuts into your homework that you have to get done for the next day. Those sporting events that you want to watch during the week you can't always go to because you have to get your homework done. The games also cut into your week time, you have to be there an hour early to get warmed up and the game can last up to three hours if you go into two overtimes and penalty kicks. It can drag on and get very tiring, that is why you have to finish the game as quickly as possible and out some goals in the back of the net. Every so often we would have a practice on Saturdays but those were usually very early in the morning. Those aren't so bad but they do cut into how late you can stay up on Friday nights with your friends.

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