Friday, October 7, 2011

New Coaches

Recently my coach told my team and me that he will no longer be coaching us. It broke us all down, he was a great coach and no one can compare to what he has helped us with for these past two years. We all looked up to him and we will never forget how good of a person he was to all of us. With him leaving that means that we will be getting a new coach who doesn't know any of us or what we are capable of doing on the field. This means that all of us start a new slate on tryout week. We have to prove to this new coach that we are good and should continue being on the top team. You have to fight to keep your spot because you never know if a better player is around the corner that can start playing your position and you end up on the bench. I wouldn't usually say this because I don't like doing this but you have to be a suck up to the new coach in order to be on his good side. Don't be a horrible suck up to where it is noticeable and annoying but just enough that he knows who you are and that you are on his good side. You have to show that you are a coachable player and that you won't give him attitude when he tells you to do something. We are still young players and we don't know everything about soccer, we still have a lot to learn. So don't act like your perfect, do into the new season with an open mind and an open heart and see what happens.

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