Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Year-round Training

During the fall club season you are going to practices three nights a week at odd hours that are in the middle of your night. The games and tournaments you attend are every weekend for three months. Most of these weekends you spend five or six hours away, leaving Friday night right after school then getting home late Sunday nights. During winter season you still have to go to practices but that is only two nights a week. Along with practices, the team is working out after school, whether that is weight lifting or running. We do this to stay in shape for the high school season and the end of club season that comes up in the spring. The spring season is spent having practices every night after school for high school soccer. Every week we have two games or sometimes the games are on the weekends instead of during the week. Club soccer has come to a halt and will start back up after high school season is over. High school soccer can be extended if you make it to state, this will take a week out of your summer break and practices will continue. Once that is done, club starts having practices three times a week again, to get ready for the last couple tournaments of the year. Once those tournaments are over we get a two to three week break to relax and try to stay in shape on our own. After that break is over tryouts for club occur and the cycle starts all over again. It is a never ending cycle until you quit.

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