Thursday, December 1, 2011

Level of Play

Over the years I have noticed that the style of play your team usually does changes depending on the level of play your competitors are playing. When you are playing a horrible team you usually get more laid back and tend to make more mistakes. It is the opposite for the better teams, when you play then you tend to be more alert and not make as many mistakes or any at all. The best teams are the ones who can play the same way no matter who they play. Those teams have to top talent and work ethic to improve and stay fit. It is very embarrassing to be a very good team and when you play a team with less talent you stoop to their level. Your team should be out there proving to everyone that it doesn't matter who you play that you are a consistent team that will play their best every time. It can be hard to stay at the same level every game because you will come across those teams that are amazing and make you look like a horrible team. There are those days that you aren't having a good game and it is against a lower team. Not everyone can have a good game every game but it is all in your head, if you think your having a bad game you will have a bad game. If you think you're having a good game, you will be confident and continue playing good. If you're not playing at your potential level don't get down on yourself you're probably just off  your game, but in the next half change your mind set and the way you are playing with change in a positive way.

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