Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Family Support

I believe that no one should go through a sport or a school event without having that support from their family. It gives you confidence to try your best to succeed in anything you do. I know that I wouldn't be able to push myself in soccer if I didn't have my family there to help me. They have told me to keep my head up no matter how bad I play in a game. If I get yelled at by a player or a coach that I just take it as constructive criticism and continue on with my life. My grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends come to watch me in my games. Having them there to watch me makes me want to play my best. This also pushes me to show off in a way, to show that I am a good player. During the off season in soccer my parents help me work out to stay strong. My brother will go one runs with me so then my stamina can stay up. With any sport every player should have those parents that will sit back and watch the game. Occasionally they will yell and cheer when you do something spectacular. Then after tell you how you did and what they think you need to work on. My supporters put a smile on my face because I know that they are there to watch me. It helps me be more laid back and not worry about making mistakes in front of them because I know that deep down they will still come watch me no matter how bad the game turns out. Everyone should be able to experience that feeling of support.

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