Thursday, December 1, 2011

Soccer Season Routine

If you are on a club soccer team that requires year-round commitment your routine can be repetitive and very boring. You spend your whole day at school extremely tired and not focus from the long night you had before. This makes your day seem long and you are unable to learn what you need to learn. After school is over you start your homework, you only have a certain amount of time to work on it because in the middle of your evening you are going to have to leave for practice. In this small amount of time you also have to have something to eat and get everything ready for practice. In order to make it to practice on time you have to leave 30 minutes early, this also cuts into your time to get everything done. When practice is over you are on your way home, it feels like it takes longer to get home then to get to practice. It is very late and you still have homework to get done. When I get home from practice I am usually hungry again so I take the time to make myself something to eat along with getting my homework done. Before you go to bed you must take a shower so then you can sleep in just a little bit. When your shower is over you realize you will only get 5-6 hours of sleep and the next day you have to do it all over again. This all seems very boring and a lot to handle, but after a while you and your body get used to it and if you enjoy what you're doing it is worth it. This routine only lasts fall season after that it gets smaller and smaller since the off season is winter. As spring gets closer you will get back into the fall routine, but in the end it is making you a better person and player.

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