Wednesday, December 14, 2011


With any sport you are committed to go to every practice and every game. If you miss those there will be consequences. Some sports are during certain seasons and some are over the whole year. My soccer season takes up my whole year; club soccer tryouts in the summer lead into the fall season, during the winter is when we have practices to stay in shape and to keep out soccer skills up, then in the spring is when our season starts up again with club and high school. We get a slight two week break then we start up again with tryouts, then the whole cycle starts over again for as long as you want to do it. With the tournaments and games that come along in the season they are usually out of town close to where you live or they are completely out of the state you live in. With the tournaments being away from home there is the cost for hotel rooms, food, and tournament fees. This can be really expensive so your parents have to be committed to pay all of these fees. If you have younger siblings, they cannot stay at home by themselves so they will have to come along and that is more expense to you parents. To get to these places you have to use a lot of gas and that is even more expenses. Over all everyone in the family has to be committed to the season even if they are not the player. Life at this point revolves around you and your sport's schedule. If you feel bad, it is okay, if your parents weren't alright with being this committed to your sport then you wouldn't be playing it.

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