Thursday, December 1, 2011

Constantly Yelled At

During games and practices you notice that your coach yells at you a lot. Most times it is only you that he is yelling at, he makes it seem like you're doing everything wrong and that if you are so bad why should you be playing soccer. You get sad and want to cry but you know you can't because tears show a sign of weakness. The rest of the game or practice you look mad and don't talk to anyone. This can feel like the worst time in your life and that the spotlight is on you for everyone to look at and just stand there to watch. No one can speak up for you because they would get yelled at too. My coach does this to me all the time, I am a center defender so I am the eyes and ears of the field. i am in charge of the defensive line and the people in front of me. My coach yells at me because I am a leader, he needs me to shout out commands and tell what people to do on the field. He wants me to take the blame for other people's mistakes, I should take the blame because it is my job to tell them what to do. I always thought that he was out to get me and to make me feel small. In the end he was helping me, he sees the potential in me as a player and a leader. He knows I can succeed but all I needed was that push and guidance from him. It really wasn't in the way I wanted to get it but it makes me a stronger person, it makes me less emotional and that can help in the future. I really should tell him thanks for helping me all these years, he knows I am thankful by the way I take what he says and apply it in practices and games. If you do what your coach says it will help you not get yelled at as much. They are just trying to help you be a better person and a player.

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