Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Why I play this game

In the book I am reading, The Beautiful Game, the girls in the story describe how they feel when they play soccer. When I am at practice I look all around me and I see the beautiful grass flowing with the wind. I hear the cars from the interstate pass by and all I am thinking about is how calm and relaxing the environment is around me. When it comes to games, I get this adrenaline rush that makes me want to play really badly, butterflies are in my stomach making me nervous about how I am about to play. We get to the stadium and people are in the stands all around us. Seeing people there to watch you and your team make you feel special, a feeling that you can't describe until you experience it with the sport you have the most passion playing. Everything going on around you doesn't matter because you love the game so much. My passion for soccer is indescribable, I absolutely love soccer. The days that I go to that exact stadium to watch other teams or other sports I feel like just running onto the field and playing because that feeling of having everyone watch you play is a great feeling to me.

A couple weekends ago we had our first game of the season, it was a friendly game. We ended up winning 7-0. My team played in a tournament a couple weekends ago in Illinois. We played three teams, the first team we beat 4-1. The second team we beat 7-0 and the third team we beat 6-0. Winning those three games put us in the semi-finals, we ended up losing 2-1 but over all our team played great. This last weekend we played two friendly games, the first game we won 6-1 and the second game we won 6-1. We have an upcoming tournament in Missouri this weekend and I will let everyone know how we do next Monday.

If you are a true soccer player and you have a great passion for the sport, nothing else matters when you are doing the thing you love most.

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