Thursday, September 22, 2011


No one wants to be injured and sit out of their sport. It is hard to watch your teammates at practice while you’re just sitting there. Especially on cold nights, you’re sitting in the wind while your fellow players are sweating and complaining that they are warm, when your teeth are chattering. Even though you want to get up and start playing alongside your friends, you have to stop yourself and say "You are injured that is why you are not playing, if you start playing you’re only going to make it worse." What makes sitting out even worse is having you teammates ask you about it, yes it is nice and caring but you don't want to keep thinking about it and seeing what you are missing out on.
The worst thing that you can be told is how long you have to sit out. For an ACL injury you have to sit out for months, possibly a whole season depending on when you tore it. Luckily I have only had to sit out a couple days at most, but even a couple days can get me down. The recovery time when you just come back from an injury can be hard too. If you sit out long enough you lose your touch and it will take a while for you to get it back. Along with practices you have to attend physical training appointments to make your body stronger so you hopefully won't have that injury happen again. It is a long and hard process to go through so it is important to keep your body healthy and strong.

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