Thursday, September 15, 2011


Just because you have been on the soccer team for the last five years doesn't mean that you shouldn't take tryouts seriously. You never know if there will be a player who is better then you and will take your spot, so you have to go in 100% and work to keep your spot. Coaches don't always look for the best players with the best skill. They try to look for the most coachable players, who are open to criticism and the ability to learn things. Coaches don't want the players who think they already know everything because in reality, we don't.

At tryouts they want to see what you can deliver; with that being your dedication to the sport, the player's work ethic, is the player disciplined, do they have a good attitude and good sportsmanship, are the players competitive, and at the same time having fun with the sport. Skill wise the coaches are looking for the players who can control their dribbling, accurate passing and shooting, juggling skills and fitness. Finally they see how you do in situations during a live game by sorting the players into two teams and starting a scrimmage. This is your time to shine and standout from all the other girls.

Tryouts is the worst part of the season, you have to wait for weeks before you know what team you made. You constantly sit by the phone hoping that your coach will call you and give you the news, you have doubts running through you head about how you played and how the other players did. If you really love soccer it shouldn't matter what team you make as long as you are playing and pursuing the sport you enjoy. If you work your hardest, everything will pay off in the end.

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