Friday, October 28, 2011


It doesn't matter if you are not thirsty or not during your game, you need to force yourself to drink because if you don't you have a high chance of getting dehydrated even if it is not hot out. My excuse to not drinking water during a game is because I don't want to get water log, water log is when you can feel the water bouncing around in your stomach and then it creates aches and pains in the lower stomach. This doesn't feel good, but you have to drink water so then worse things don't happen. One game it was really hot out and I didn't drink any water that day to keep myself hydrated. I went up to head the ball and everything went well but after i headed it I got a huge headache. Then I noticed that I was really light headed and was dizzy, but I ignored these signs and just kept playing. When the game was over I collapsed by the benches and just laid there for a couple minutes. One of my teammates was kind enough to give me a piggy-back ride to the parents because I was too dizzy and light headed to walk. On the car ride home I drank so much water that I started feeling better after a few hours. I didn't have a horrible dehydration incident but I now drink water every opportunity I can because I don't want to go through that again. Water log is way better then dehydration. The point is, that every player of some sport should stay hydrated and drink lots of fluids. If you don't you are seriously hurting yourself.

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