Sunday, January 8, 2012

USA National Mens Soccer Team News

The United States Soccer Coach, Jurgen Klinsmann, has added two new players to the roster. Both are from the Seattle Sounders, midfielder Brad Evans and defender Jeff Parke. They are traveling with the roster of 20 players to play in the Open Cup championship in order to prepare for the friendlies against Venezuela and Panama. Omar Gonzalez and George John have withdrawn from the roster with permission prior to the start of the camp in order to deal with club-related matters.

On January 20, fans are invited to come and watch a training session with the USA Men's team at the University of Phoenix Stadium in Glendale, Arizona. The session is free and open to the public to come and enjoy watching the team practice. The next day the United States team will play in a friendly against Venezuela.

USA Womens National Soccer Team News

USA forward, Abby Wambach, was named the Associated Press 2011 Female Athlete of the Year. During the 2011 FIFA World Cup Wambach showed a great deal of leadership along with scoring many goals to help the USA team make it as far as they did in the tournament in Germany this past summer. Wambach was the first soccer player, man or woman, to receive this award which began in 1931. She scored four goals total during the 2011 World Cup games, in every game they played in she contributed one goal at least. She has scored 13 career goals in World Cup games this puts her third on the all-time World Cup scoring list. Wambach has scored a total of 125 career goals for the seasons she has been playing on the US National Team. Abby is all about being one as a team and getting through obstacles together while being role models for younger soccer players.

"We, as a team, did something that no team since Mia Hamm was able to do," Wambach told the AP. "Even the team that won the (Olympic) gold medal in 2008 wasn't able to inspire and get people excited about women's soccer. It goes to show you the impact drama can bring." -Abby Wambach

U.S.A. National Soccer Team News

The head coach of the United States Women's Professional team, Pia Sundhage, is calling on all the 29 players to go to a camp, being held on January 7 to the 15, which there she will chose who gets to have the honor of representing the USA team for the Olympic Qualifying Tournament. Only 20 out of the 29 players that are going to this camp will be chosen to play in this tournament in Vancouver, Canada on January 19-29.

Voting is underway for the 2011 Best of USA Soccer and Athlete of the Year awards. These awards can go to any male, female, young male, or young female soccer player for the United States team. Voting will continue until January 13. These awards date back to 1984 for the men and 1985 for the women. The Young Female and Young Male award was added in 1998. The United States Women's National team is winning overall in the ballots so far because of their great performance during the 2011 FIFA Women's World Cup in Germany. Some of the finalists include:

US Soccer Athlete of the Year Men's Finalists-
1. Jozy Altidore, Forward
2. Carlos Bocanegra, Defender
3. Steve Cherundolo, Defender
4. Clint Dempsey, Midfielder
5. Tim Howard, Goalkeeper

US Soccer Athlete of the Year Women's Finalists-
1. Lauren Cheney, Midfielder
2. Ali Krieger, Defender
3. Christine Rampone, Defender
4. Hope Solo, Goalkeeper
5. Abby Wambach, Forward

US Soccer Young Athlete of the Year Men's Finalists-
1. Kellyn Acosta, Defender
2. Juan Agudelo, Forward
3. Perry Kitchen, Defender
4. Marc Pelosi, Midfielder
5.Brek Shea, Midfielder

US Soccer Young Athlete of the Year Women's Finalists-
1. Morgan Andrews, Defender
2. Morgan Brian, Midfielder
3. Kelly Cobb, Forward
4. Melissa Henderson, Forward
5. Sydney Leroux, Forward

You can vote for your players and favorite soccer moments on the US Soccer offical facebook page:

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Throwins, Corners, Goal Kicks, and Fouls

No matter who kicked it out or whoever it rebounded off of, always assume that it is your possession. Grab the ball quickly and continue the game if the ref blows his whistle and calls you out for not having possession, just give the ball to the other team. The worst that can happen is that the ball is given to the other team. Sometimes the ref won't call it or they don't know who kicked it out so they just go with whoever grabs the ball first. No matter where you are on the field; throwins, corners, goal kicks, or free kicks, take them quickly because the team you are playing against has their back turned to you or they are setting up all their players. Either way they are distracted and the faster you are the better the chance you will have to possibly score off of this opportunity.
Throwins: Your players should check away and check too, they need to create space and try to get the player marking them distracted. If you lose the player, you will have a bunch of space to control the ball and dribble.
Corners: Have a player at the near, far, and center of the goal. Also have a player at the penalty kick and top of the box. No matter where your corner kicker kicks it there should always be a player there to take that opportunity to score.
Goal Kicks: Every player on the field should be in front of the players of the opposite team. When your keeper kicks the ball you should be the first one to it. Make sure that you have your other players open so then you can dribble to the other side of the field where there is smaller chance of the other team scoring against you.
Free Kicks/ Fouls: When you get that chance to take the kick from anywhere on the field have your whole team by the opposing team's goal. Kick the ball above everyone so they can run onto it and score. Many goals are scored from this opportunity. If you're close enough to shoot yourself, go for it. It is worth the chance.

State Cup Competition

In every state there is a tournament that is just for the soccer teams in that state. This tournament is called "State Cup". I guess it really isn't a tournament it is more of a you lose your done. There is one game a weekend and if you win that game you continue on to the next weekend. All teams can participate in this competition to see who the best team in the state is and then can continue onto the regional tournament that is competed by teams in that region that won their state cup tournament.
My team did so well during the season that we got a wild card to sit out the first round and automatically continue onto the second round. The next weekend we played a team that we have formally played in the season. Previously we beat them 9-0, we were not going to expect that same score this time. Teams show their true talent in State Cup because they want to have the privilege of calling their team "Number One". The team we played the first game started very aggressively, they ended up scoring two goals by half, we had zero. Our coach said we needed to step up our game, we all knew we could beat this team. In the second half we scored six goals, ending the game with the score six to two. That was a close one and we all knew it. We will never underestimate a team that we have previously beat every again. The next weekend would be the final game and determine who the number one team is.
The next weekend was against one of our biggest competitors. We had to play them last year in the final game, we won the year before but we were not expecting that this year. This team was very strong and very talented, they are our best competition. By half we were tied one to one. We were not about to let this team take away our title! Ten minutes before the game ended one of my teammates scored and we were up two to one. The last few minutes were all about being defensive minded, we could not let them score and go into overtime. The whistle was blow and we were excited to be called number one once again. Two years in a row we are invited to represent Iowa at the regional tournament in March. We are very excited and can't wait to see what the regional tournament brings and next year, state cup competition.

Route 1 vs. Possession Soccer

Most coaches prefer playing possession soccer. The teams that play route one tend to have no skill and the only thing they are good at is kicking the ball from one side of the field to the other.
Possession soccer is where you pass the ball constantly to get around players and down the field to the opposite goal. The teams that are very good at this contains players that are very talented in passing to a players feet and knowing where to be at the right times. The players know how to pass with only one or two touches and are very successful in doing this and with great speed. You see this type of soccer being played at all levels and I believe it is the right way to play soccer compared to what I am about to explain, that being route one soccer.
The teams that play this type of soccer have girls that can kick the ball really far, from the defenders to the forwards. These players have no other skills besides that. Once the forwards of the opposite team make a mistake by the defenders, the defense blasts the ball over the top of the midfield to the forwards that are just standing and waiting for the ball to be played to them.
If you want your team to be successful you should teach them from the start to play possession soccer. They will turn into good players and your team will be one of the better teams you play against tactically and mentally strong.

Year-round Training

During the fall club season you are going to practices three nights a week at odd hours that are in the middle of your night. The games and tournaments you attend are every weekend for three months. Most of these weekends you spend five or six hours away, leaving Friday night right after school then getting home late Sunday nights. During winter season you still have to go to practices but that is only two nights a week. Along with practices, the team is working out after school, whether that is weight lifting or running. We do this to stay in shape for the high school season and the end of club season that comes up in the spring. The spring season is spent having practices every night after school for high school soccer. Every week we have two games or sometimes the games are on the weekends instead of during the week. Club soccer has come to a halt and will start back up after high school season is over. High school soccer can be extended if you make it to state, this will take a week out of your summer break and practices will continue. Once that is done, club starts having practices three times a week again, to get ready for the last couple tournaments of the year. Once those tournaments are over we get a two to three week break to relax and try to stay in shape on our own. After that break is over tryouts for club occur and the cycle starts all over again. It is a never ending cycle until you quit.